Healing from the Inside Out
Mindfulness, Meditations, Transformational Coaching and Yoga
Sarah Dion Brooks-Shriver is the Founder and CEO of The Inner Garden Center for the Mind, Body & Soul. She is an NLP Master Practitioner, Growth Development Coach, Meditation Teacher, and Mentor. She is also an RYT200 Yoga Certified teacher of BodyAwake® Yoga from the Morter Institute with Dr. Sue Morter, where she also became certified as an Energy Codes Facilitator. She is currently studying to become a certified Energy Codes Coach as well.
Sarah created the Inner Garden program to assist others with transformational growth and healing, by nurturing their seeds of love, hope, peace, and mindfulness. A place where others can continue to heal, grow and become the people they yearn to be and where they are deep inside.
The Inner Garden Center for the Mind, Body & Soul, will continue to expand and grow its services. Check back for updates regarding the new and exciting changes.
About Sarah:
When not mentoring and coaching clients, Sarah can be found taking part in other areas of passion and interest in her life, such as; Coaching youth in Track & Cross Country, spending time with her family, and performing professionally as a Singer-Songwriter-Pianist.
She shares her passion for helping others in her music as she writes music to help heal, inspire and empower. She can be found on iTunes, YouTube, Facebook, and more, under the name Sarah Dion Brooks.
Sarah was interviewed for the "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life" podcast by Nadia Delacruz, featuring the wisdom of Wayne Dyer after she released a video of one of the songs she wrote called "You Get to Choose." The podcast was released on Feb. 7, 2021.
Here is the announcement and introduction from Nadia Delacruz:
Sarah Dion Brooks joins me this week on the Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life podcast. She is an artist, musician, and singer/songwriter. Her song, You Get to Choose was inspired by this quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer. "Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world." This episode begins with a replay of her song. We chat about her music career, what inspires her, and her work with mindfulness and transformational coaching at the Inner Garden Center for the Mind, Body & Soul.
Listen to the Podcast >>
Spotify: was also interviewed for the "Deep Divve from the Hivve with Marv Ellis" podcast, which was a pre-show podcast before her live music concert at the Hivve. An in-depth and informative interview, where Sarah opens up about her upbringing and the journey of healing herself through music and NLP. It can be found on the Hivve's YouTube and Facebook pages.
A note from Sarah
I know what it feels like to have a life filled with stress, anxiety, and depression. There was a time when I didn't understand the power that was within me and spent years blaming others for my pain. During my first marriage, which lasted 18 years, I found myself caught up in so many lies, not only from my spouse but from my own thoughts and thinking. I believed I wasn't good enough and I was constantly talking down to myself, not believing in who I was or what I had to offer. I lived in my head and lived with so much pain and disappointment for many years. Until one day, something happened that changed the direction of my life forever.
After a very stressful day at work, I found myself feeling the weight of my situation. I was working three jobs, taking care of my five children, and trying to hold myself together as my marriage was falling apart. I felt so much heaviness weighing down on me, and I knew I had to pull it together before I got to work.
As I sat in my car, ready to drive to work, I grabbed a hold of my steering wheel and screamed out as loud as I could: "I am F*KING AMAZING!!!"
It felt so good. So I screamed it again. And then I screamed it again. And all of a sudden, I felt this beautiful loving energy sweep over me, and I actually felt amazing. So I continued talking myself up for the rest of the drive to work.
I started telling myself how amazing, how patient, and hardworking I was. I told myself that I owned my mistakes, and I was genuine. I went through a list of affirmations. And by the time I got to work, I felt like I could do anything. I walked into work with my head held high and I had one of the best nights at work that I had ever had.
I started doing this every day on my 10-minute drive to work, and my entire life turned around.
I realized through that experience, that I really was amazing. That I needed to know it and believe it, for myself.
And even more so, I needed to be it.
I began showing up to everything I did, believing I was F*king amazing. And my life changed. I began my journey of healing from years of trauma and pain. I began to own my life. I took control and stopped placing the blame on others. And as I started to heal, my desire to help others heal, grew stronger. I started looking for ways to help co-workers believe in themselves. I kept seeing the same patterns from others.
Pain, anxiety, stress, and the belief that they were not good enough.
I began coaching kids at the local schools. I wanted to help everyone I could.
My path led me to an NLP practitioner, who gave me the tools I needed to take my own healing to the next level. And as I continued to grow stronger, I knew that my life would be spent helping others find their truth, through the love and power within themselves. For that is what I found within me.
It all started by telling myself that I was amazing. I no longer felt the need to hear it from others. I already knew it for myself.
I love people. I know that life brings each of us so many different experiences. With those experiences come many different emotions, which are not always easy to process. We are here to learn and grow through them, and from them. And I want to help you in that beautiful journey of discovering that beauty, strength, and love within you.
My Philosophy
You are capable of so much greatness. It is already within you.
My greatest desire is to help you to find it.
Each of us was born with a beautiful light inside. Over time, through the difficult life events, and through the perceptions, we have had of these events, our inner light and truth may have been pushed to the side, out of sight, out of mind.
Through a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mindfulness and
transformational tools, I will help you become equipped to change your life around.
To be able to breathe more deeply, with calmness, and clarity.
To find a greater sense of peace and purpose.
To find a sense of self-worth and healing.
To love yourself more fully.
To have a clear sense of who you are, what you want in life.
To find your inner light and find ways to let it shine.
The work we will be doing together is considered Alternative or Complementary Health Care and is not licensed through the state. I am not a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, or Therapist. However, I am an NLP Master Practitioner, a Life and Transformation Coach, and a Mindfulness Coach. I do not claim to fix anyone, rather I help guide my clients to self-discovery, and finding the strength within themselves to solve their own problems and find their inner strength and balance.
No medical claims will be made, given, or intended to be given, and our work together is not considered a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical person. If I cannot help you, I will refer you to a licensed person who can better assist you.